At WSCS, we are mindful about the environment your student engages in. It is not just our duty to shape your child academically, but emotionally and socially too. We seek to do this by explicitly teaching your student what it means to be a part of the WSCS family. We have shaped our culture by seeking to grow students who are L.I.O.N.S. Each letter of this word represents one of our core values, and we wrap our school around these core values seeking to create students that embody these values by the time they graduate from WSCS.
Love the Lord
Each student receives daily bible instruction, and all academics are taught through a biblical worldview. Weekly chapels provide opportunities for student to worship together and service opportunities give students a heart for volunteerism.
Intellectual Curiosity
Here we seek to develop students that ask questions, seek answers and are truly curious about the world around them. We desire students who do not do work simply for a grade, but for the knowledge that assignment can provide them. We desire to develop students that desire knowledge and understanding in all they do. Click here to learn more about our academic programs.
We encourage our students to take ownership of their lives. This means taking ownership of their behavior, academics and walk with the Lord. We believe in instilling an atmosphere that promotes acceptable behavior through minimal coercion. Our students are expected to grow and develop into young men and women of God.
Nobility is a word that is not often seen in our daily lives these days. But we want to instill nobility in our students. This is seen in their interactions with each other, teachers and the outside community. Noble students are respectful, and conduct themselves with the understanding that they are the children of the King.
Servant Leadership
Before you can lead, you must serve. We place opportunities for students to serve before them as often as we can. Students should understand that the best leaders are those who put others before themselves.