Welcome to the L.I.O.N.S. Community!
We are so excited that you are joining us. We know joining a new school can be overwhelming, so we have created this page to help you find all the needed answers and information. If you cannot find an answer, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions!
Please Note: The Campus Grille (Cafeteria) opened during the 2022-23 year. At this time, all students may bring a packed lunch to school or visit the cafeteria for traditional option(s).
Ready for Dual Enrollment, College, Career
We do everything we can to make the experience of selecting and applying to college a smooth process. Students will receive individual, small group, and large group guidance each step of the way throughout their high school career as they prepare for their next steps. They will have opportunities at WSCS to meet with college reps, take field trips to visit college campuses, and participate in Workforce Wednesdays where they can learn about different careers from professionals in our community.
The School Counselor can also provide detailed information concerning Dual Enrollment plans.
Also, as a part of the college counseling program at WSCS all high school students have access to Scoir, a college and career planning platform that helps connect students, families, high schools, and colleges for a better admissions experience. Through Scoir, students can research colleges that match their preferences, complete a career assessment to discover careers that may interest them, begin compiling information for college applications and essays, have access to pertinent college-planning information, and much more.
To login to your Scoir account, visit: app.scoir.com or download the app from the itunes store.
For more SCOIR information or login help, email the School Counselor.
College and Career Readiness
We do everything we can to make the experience of selecting and applying to college a smooth process.
We are excited about offering Family Connections to our 8th-12th grade families this year. Family Connection is a web-based program that is linked with Naviance™, a service that is used by school counselors to track and analyze data about students’ college and career plans.
Family Connection allows your student to:
Get involved in the planning and advising process – Build a resume, completing online surveys, and managing timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers
Research colleges – Compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past
Research careers – Research hundreds of careers and career clusters, and take career assessments
Create plans for the future – Create goals and to-dos, and complete tasks assigned by the school to better prepare your student for future college and career goals.
To visit our school’s Family Connection site, use an Internet browser to connect to: http://connection.naviance.com/winstonscs
If you need your username and password, contact your School Counselor, WSCScounselor@wschristian.com.