Abigail, Class of 2021

“Before WSCS, I never saw myself as a leader or someone who took AP classes. I went to a public school where class sizes ranged from 20-40 kids so teacher relationships weren’t common. The teachers here are invested in pushing you to be the best version of yourself. They not only focus on the education aspect but the life skills and personal growth of each and everystudent. Being a Christian in a public school I felt alone and didn’t have the chance to always surround myself with other Christians. It’s hard to grow in your faith without the encouragement of others around you. I never thought an educational lesson could turn into a biblical based lesson where I can learn more. WSCS has given me opportunities to grow in my faith and has shown me things about myself I didn’t know about. I’m now a house leader of Dianoia, an AP student, and the most confident I’ve ever been in myself. “